Thursday, May 1, 2014

Happy May Day!

A late season cool front has left us Texans feeling refreshed and (almost) ready for summer. I know that once the temperatures start reaching triple digits, we'll miss these sweater weather mornings. I, for one am ready to start anew. I have been feeling a little down after a set back with my health, but I am hoping to be back on track soon and ready to tackle this month's challenge. First let's take a look back and see how the last few months have stacked up.

In February I participated in the We Said Go Travel Inspiration Travel Writing Contest. They are going to be announcing their Independence Travel Writing Contest sometime this month so check their site often if you are interested. I know I will! If you are interested in reading the piece I submitted you can click the link here.

In March I was excited to work on a short story for Three Cheers and a Tiger's mystery writing contest sponsored by Literary Journal, Toasted Cheese. Congratulations to the winners! I am looking forward to the June publication so I can read your wonderful stories. Three Cheers and a Tiger will have a science fiction/fantasy writing contest in September. I have never written anything in this genre, but this is the year to expand my horizons, right? So why not give it a go?

April was National Poetry Month. My personal goal was to write a poem a day with Writer's Digest blogger and poet, Robert Lee Brewer on his Poetic Asides blog. I started off strong, writing sometimes multiple poems a day. They weren't always very good, but that wasn't the point of the challenge. The point, for me, was to write every day. Something I am very bad about. Almost halfway through the month I thought I was going to make it, then I had a very bad bout of dizziness and vertigo and couldn't stand to look and the computer screen. C'est la vie; especially around here.

And that brings us full circle to May. I searched and searched for something new to work on in May, but ended up finding another short story. Haunted Waters Press is calling for open submissions for their June publication. They are looking for works of prose, creative nonfiction and poetry for their quarterly literary journal, From the Depths. I can write a short story of 3500 words or less, flash fiction of any length, or creative nonfiction of 1500 words or less. They want a story that revolves around the ordinary objects in our lives. It can be any type of story and any type of object; let your imagination go wild.

Wish me luck and I'll do the same for you.

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