Saturday, May 31, 2014

First Lesson Learned

I learned my first lesson this month in paying close attention to deadlines. Yes, I messed up.

Haunted Waters Press held a writing contest for their summer publication of From the Depths. I admit I struggled with the theme for a while and it took me some time to settle on an object to write to about. But I did it! I have a completed short story that meets the specifications laid out and it is sitting on my computer as we speak. Their deadline was May 25. That day I was out enjoying myself at a pool party and completely forget to send in my story. I have a bad habit of waiting till the very last minute to submit my writing. I never feel like they are good enough and I am known to make changes and alterations up until I hit 'send'. A very bad habit and I know that I am setting myself up for disaster, case in point, but I do it anyway.

The good news is I found another fun project. I discovered Flash! Friday on Twitter through a six degrees of separation coincidence to Haunted Waters Press. Every Friday, founder Rebekah Postupak posts a new photo prompt and theme to use in a flash fiction story. She has created a fun and encouraging environment where writers share their mini-stories. Unfortunately I had to miss the last two weeks because of sick kids and a brief hospital stay, but I am really looking forward to next week.

Looking forward to June, I found two new things to write about. Chilling Tales for Dark Nights is asking for short horror stories for their July contest. Submissions are open through June 11. There is a photo prompt with which to inspire you. The top ten finalists will be voted on by the public. The second contest is L. Ron Hubbard's Writers and Illustrators of the Future. Sci-fi and fantasy stories are due by June 30. I'm really excited by both of these subjects. I have tried my hand at mystery, but never at horror or sci-fi/fantasy. I accept the challenge!

Incidentally, congratulations to the winners of We Said Go Travel's writing competition. There were so many amazing writers that have traveled to so many amazing places that I have no idea how they were able to pick their winners. The theme for the summer writing competition has been announced. Write about a place that allows you to feel free. All entries are due by July 4.

Wish me luck, and I'll do the same for you.

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