Tuesday, August 5, 2014

End of Summer Writing

July was a bust for me. Between dealing with having the kids home for summer and my heart catheter, I hardly got any writing done at all. That's not to say I was wholly unproductive. I managed to submit two previously written pieces to two different writing competitions/publications. Let's hope that the end of summer will greet me with more success. Besides, 11/12 is still an 'A'.

In July, I attempted to write a short story for the "Skin" themed issue of The Chattahoochee Review. I had an idea, an outline and even a few hundred words down on (electronic) paper. I had an idea for a photo essay for the Stoneboat Literary Journal but didn't get a chance to finish the project. This time it wasn't a matter of taking on more than I could chew so much as life getting in the way. But I sure did have a great time going bowling, being a beach bum, going to the zoo and in general just hanging out with my kids. The heart catheter and doctor's appointments on the other hand were not so much fun.

For August, I have set forth what is probably going to be more of a challenge than I think it will be, but I am ready to get back to work. The Red Line is an online magazine that publishes English language short stories from International writers. They are currently accepting submissions about "Joy". The Nonbinary Review is a quarterly interactive library. Its goal is to invite writers to take the issue's theme (right now it is L. Frank Baum's The Wizard of Oz) and to re-investigate it and write a new story related to the theme.

I'm not going to stress about trying to get both of these done right this second. The Red Line is due by August 31 but the Nonbinary Review's submissions are open longer, though it doesn't state the deadline on the website. So let the creative juices flow!

Wish me luck and I'll do the same for you...

(I submitted my two previously written pieces to FireGoat Books and Loudoun County Public Library)