Tuesday, December 30, 2014

End of Year Review - 2014

And so, as all good things tend to do, we come to the end. Thank you so much for joining me on this journey. Writing 12 in 12 has been an experience I am so very grateful I put myself through. In the first six months I learned a lot about myself and about my limitations. What I liked, what I didn't like, what I thought I was good at, what I realized I was terrible at... And so forth.

I got my very first rejection letter this year. That was both the most exciting and horrifying moment in my career thus far. I have cried at each and every subsequent letter I have gotten. I have also printed each one out and placed them very carefully in a bright yellow folder labeled "One Step Closer". One day I will get one that says, "Congratulations, Laura!" and I will cry and have to create a brand new folder to start filling up. I haven't decided what to label that folder or what color it will be.

The last six months were more difficult than the first, though they only proved to strengthen my decision to be a full time writer. I ended up not getting very much done this summer. I had two heart catheter procedures. One was exploratory and the other was to fix an abnormality that was causing severe chest pain. So between the doctor's visits, hospital stays, bed rest, pain, side effects, and kids' summer vacation I never got around to finishing anything I started. 

In September I took some time off to do research for an idea I couldn't get out of my head. I did try my hand one more time at sci-fi/fantasy writing but still couldn't wrap my head around it. I envy you sci-fi and fantasy writers. I guess I just don't have the chops for it. I always end up writing a horror story. 

Which is exactly what I did in October. The short story I created for this particular contest earned me the last rejection letter of 2014. I'm not sad about it. It has strengthened my resolve to be a better writer. And also to recognize that just because I like something, doesn't mean the entire world is going to. There will be a place for me one day. Seriously though, my short story just wasn't ready for the world. 

But it soon will be, thanks to the fantastic writing group I joined. 

NaNoWriMo was almost a success in November. My husband told me to look at it this way; I was closer this year than I was last year. If it hadn't been for a killer migraine and really nasty chest cold (which I don't suggest if you've had previous open heart surgery, I don't care how long it has been) than I honestly think I could have made it to 50,000 words. 

I'm still working on my December challenge. The due date isn't until January, so I hope you won't think that makes me a cheater. Writing is still writing, right? And I'll let you know if I add to my collection of rejection slips or start 2015 off with a brand new folder.

What are your New Year's resolutions about writing?  Share them in the comments below. 

I am going to finish the first draft of my first novel. 
I am going to write something a minimum of five days a week. It is my (low paying) job, after all.

Happy New Year from Writing 12 in 12.

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